ikebana teachers

There are many schools of Ikebana, the oldest being Ikenobo and Koryu. Some schools emphasize classical styles, some contemporary ones, while others create a blend of the two.

Ikebana International was set up to give members the opportunity to see the work of schools other than their own.  The magazine which members receive three times a year has illustrations by many different schools as well as articles on Japanese cultural activities.

We list teachers with the school they belong to and where they teach.  If you are interested, please get in touch with them directly.

Koryu School – a classical school which also does modern arrangements
Sumie Takahashi
Maidenhead, Berks, SL6
Telephone: 01628 823 876

Ohara school – influenced by landscape and rimpa paintings

Ruriko Kojima
The Brambles, Water End road
Beacons Bottom
High Wycombe
Bucks, HP14 3XF
01494 483787
ruriko.kojima@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/risaiikebana/

Diane Norman
Ringwood, Hants, BH24
Email: Har3ridge@aol.com
Website: http://www.ikebanaandwatercolours.com

Sogetsu School   – a modern school 

Anne Campbell
London W8
email : aecampbell8@gmail.com

Marie-France Flagel-Faure
London SW5
Email: f.flagelfaure@btinternet.com

Belinda Jelf
Bromley, Kent ,BR2 8AH
Email: belindajelf@hotmail.com

  • Shoko Koizumi-Hanson
    22 Paul Gardens,
  • Croydon, Surrey, CR0 5QL
    Email:  shokokoizumihanson@gmail.com
  • Home page: https://e-poq.com/shoko_ikebana/

Irene Moore
Epsom, Surrey, KT19
Email:  createwithikebana@gmail.com

Ikuyo Morrison
Email:  ikuwom@gmail.com

  • Keiko Takahashi
    London NW3 & NW7
  • Email: lets-ikebana@hotmail.com
  • Lessons: Sat NW3 & Thu NW7
  • ( Also Online Lessons by appointment)
  • Instagram: @lets_ikebana