- 17th September 2019, 11:00 am. A Demonstration led by three Masters of the Ohara School, Shoko Holness, Jeddi Bassan, Ruriko Kojima. They will present a two-hour show of wonderful arrangements and give their personal insights into the art of Ikebana. It’s going to be an event not to miss. At Farm Street Church Hall, 114 Mount Street, Mayfair, W1K 3AH.
Annual Exhibition -the Magic of Autumn
Our exhibition is on Tuesday 17th October at our usual venue Brompton Oratory hall when we celebrate the Magic of Autumn. This is a unique chance to see how the different ikebana schools respond to the season via their distinctive arrangements plus the opportunity to talk to members of each of the represented schools.
Entry for visitors is from 12pm and the exhibition closes at 15pm.
on the wild side -agm demo june 2017
We were delighted to welcome Mary Marques and her daughter Linda, who both came over from Zimbabwe just to do our demonstration. Mary is a Sogetsu teacher and demonstrator. Her cv however revealed she has a long and distinguished history.She started learning in 1970 and was president of ii Harare chapter from 1988-94 (which has now sadly closed and has demonstrated and run many workshops at home and abroad.
Her theme was ‘on the wild side’ reflecting her profound belief that animals are fellow travellers on earth to be valued and respected in their own right.
Mary evoked her theme by a wonderful set of arrangements that represented different African creatures and environments. The first three shown here from right to left are waterhole, impala and meerkats.
The waterhole, a place of danger as well as life used two large flat containers with strelitzia as egrets among the reed. (many thanks to sogetsu london to lending us vases )
Impala emerging from the early morning mist used a tall two cup vase with a cascade of gypsophia and a set of silver horns (in reality wine bottle holders!)
The meerkats family was based on the ingenious use of nespresso packaging to enable stems to be placed upright at different heights reflecting their characteristic alert pose
We then had an elephant using lilies and palm leaves as the head , whilst grey mosquito netting wrapped around the vase was the body,
Everyone’s favourite was probably the dung beetle, small but vital to the environment. Here mary made a ‘dung ball ‘out of moss on oasis bases with orchids, adding a sense of movement from some cane circles (not to be confused with the planet Saturn )
The two arrangements on the right area a colourful chameleon and then the snake. Maybe they are less popular creatures. but are sadly declining and deserve their place. The chameleon is represented by brightly coloured anthuriums on a palm mat. Mary showed her ingenuity with the snake arrangement using a circular bird feeder as the base and then ginger flowers as lookalike snake heads.
Finally I leave you to guess the last arrangement. Hint – it is a prickly creature whose spines were made into the backing screen by mary.
Spring Demo March 2017
We were delighted to welcome Mrs. Ruriko Kojima, President of London Ohara England Chapter. This was the first time she has demonstrated for II and her demonstration was much enjoyed and good fun.
The theme was “Early Spring” basic to landscape in Ohara style. Ruriko first demonstrated two basic Ohara styles which a beginner should learn as an Ohara student.
The first was the simplest style with pussy willow and tulips. The second showed more of a slanting style, with stems rising upwards to reflect their beauty and freshness
Then we had two moribana arrangements, a style at the heart of the ohara school as this was first originated by the founder over 100 years ago to represent landscape in miniature .
Materials used were plum and narcissus with moss brought specially back from Japan. The arrangement covered 2/3’s of the water to signify Spring
This was inspired by coastal scenery and used a few red berries of yabukopi as contrast.
The last landscape was an exquisite arrangement based on the ancient art of rimpa and always uses a fan shaped container
Finally ‘Hanamai’ ie dancing flowers style consisting of two simple adjacent arrangements, using any container style, positioned so that they crossed and could be appreciated from all angles
‘No Kenzan’ workshop – no problem for our members
Our ‘no kenzan’ workshop in November, run by Tricia Hill and Sue Wheeler, Ichiyo school, showed that arrangements can be just as creative using unusual materials, in this case plastic netting (black deer netting from garden centres). The workshop was about having fun and freestyling rather than following a particular school.
Tricia and Sue started the workshop by showing 4 examples of how to use mesh in different ways, from being the heart of the arrangement , as a background, sitting on top of the vase and then fitting the vase into the net.
Then all participants were able to experiment using their own vases and materials brought in by the organisers. The workshop was much enjoyed and so we hope to run another on a different theme next year
Koryu demonstration by Sumie Takahashi on 12 June following AGM at 11:30am.
Autumn Glory Exhibition
We held our annual exhibition ‘Autumn Glory’ on 11th October. There were 24 arrangements from students of all the main schools including Ikenobo, Sogetsu, Ohara, Ichiyou, Nippon Kado Koryu and Koryu. Each showed their own schools’ distinctive method using branches, coloured and dried leaves and seasonal flowers. Overall we were treated to a wonderful display of autumn beauty, its glorious colours and also its more subdued and subtle hues reflecting the seasonal decay but with the seeds of the future.
We were delighted that Mr Shinichi Iida, Minister of Public Diplomacy and Media from the Japanese Embassy attended with his deputy Ms Tomoko Yoshihiro and assistant Ms Megumi Spivey in spite of their busy commitments.
Two demonstrations were given. Mrs Junko Kikuchi from the Ikenobo school and Mrs Shoko Koizumi-Hanson from Sogetsu , each giving their distinctive takes on the autumnal theme.
Sogetsu on the left in the entrance hall and then the Ikenobo displays.
Two Ohara arrangements and then a joint display of Ichiyou
Junko’s display arrangements being placed by our president and then Shoko’s sogetsu demonstration arrangements.
2017-2018 II London Chapter Programme
7th June 2016 A.G.M and Demonstration
Congratulations to Sue Pryke for her presidency during the 2016-2017 period.
After the A.G.M we had some delicious Canapes which were organised by the committee . This was followed by a demonstration lead by Martine Grace from the Sogetsu School. Martine’s “Luxuriance of Summer” arrangements delighted us all.
12th of April 2016 a Demonstration
On 12 April 2016, in bright and sunny spring weather, London chapter organized a “Spring Medley” with three experienced Ikebanists of their respective schools – Ms. Sue Pryke from Ikenobo, Mrs. Sue Wheeler from Ichiyo and Mrs. Irene Moore from Sogetsu.
Each used the same spring flower materials to make two arrangements, which represented their particular styles. The demonstrators related their school history and philosophy.